
周记网41002023-02-25 04:13:17

Away from the crowds of people,I stroll alone in the snow.

The flowers have six angles.Sometimes they are like stars.Sometimes they are only white dots and they just like feathers keep on falling gently.Standing in the snow,flakes of snow float over my head,kissing me on the cheek.The trees in the street are covered with snow,just like in white clothes.Some flakes fly into my mouth.They taste sweet.Looking at this silver white world,thoughts well up in my mind.l feel as if l had become a part of them.


Some people say snow may bring you joy and happiness.Others think snow can get rid of the dirt in the world.Still others believe snow will purify one's soul,and there are those who hold the view that snow can melt all the evils into purity and sincerity.

Oh,snow,you are as pure and white as the angel in heaven.You come silently and generously protecting everything in the world.You melt quietly and nourish a green spring.



雪花有六个角,有时它们就像星星,有时它们只是白点。 它们就像洁白的羽毛,静悄悄地落到地面。 站在雪地上,雪花飘落在我的头上,亲吻我的脸颊,街上的树木被雪覆盖,好像穿上了洁白的衣衫。 有些飞进我的嘴里,味道是甜的。 看着这个白色的银色世界,心中思绪万千,我感觉我已经和它们融为一体。


雪,你就像天堂纯洁的天使。 你默默地慷慨地保护世界上的一切,你静静地融化和滋养一个绿色的春天。