
周记网22542023-02-25 08:53:40

Taiwan is the largest island in our country.It lies off the east coast of Fujian Province.It's an island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the east, and the East China Sea to the north.The island,which is about 36,000 square kilometers,has a population of over twenty million.It is abundant in resources.Its products like banana,rice and tea are well-known all over the world.Moreover,it has a good environment and mild climate which attract thousands of people coming here for traveling every year.

Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times.Most of people settling there come from Fujian and Guangdong.In the 17th century,the Dutch invaded Taiwan.In 1662 an army under the leadership of Zheng Chenggong drove out the Dutch.We Chinese all hope that Taiwan can return to the embrace of the motherland at an early. date.



台湾是中国最大的岛屿,台湾位于福建省的东部海域。 这是一个东部毗临太平洋,北部毗邻中国东海的岛屿。岛屿面积大约36,000平方千米,人口超过2千万。 台湾资源丰富,香蕉、大米、茶等产品闻名世界。 它的环境优美,气候温和,每年都吸引着成千上万的人来这里旅游。

台湾自古以来就是中国的一部分。 大部分来自福建和广东的人在那里定居。 在17世纪,荷兰入侵台湾。1662年,郑成功带领的军队将荷兰人驱逐了出去。 所有的中国人都希望台湾可以早日回到祖国的怀抱。