
周记网44742023-03-02 14:08:57

As to what is real success,difterent people have different opinions.According to a recent survey,nearly one third of the people think having a harmonious family means success while to achieve the life goal is consid-ered by about a quarter of the people to be the most successful About 15% surveyed prefer to choose the contribution to our society and 13% treat the high social positions as what they will pursue.Only a little number of those surveyed focus on making money and pursuing power as what a successful life depends on,8.5% and 7% respectively.


Though there are so many standards about success in the eyes of different people,one point not to be de-nied is that success should be equal to a happy and positive life,without which even the greatest success may mean nothing.


关于真正的成功是什么,不同的人有不同的看法。 根据最近的一项调查显示,近1/3的人认为有一个和谐的家庭意味着成功,而大约1/4的人认为实现人生目标是最成功的。约15%的被调查者选择对社会做贡献,13%的人把高的社会地位作为他们的追求。 只有小部分的受访者认为成功的人生在于赚钱和追求权力,分别为8.5%和7%。
