
周记网78992023-02-28 02:17:00


Today, I saw my aunt's new baby brother in the hospital.



I came to the hospital with lilies and carnations for my aunt. My aunt is lying in bed, beside which is a **all bed with wheels. I looked into the little bed and there was a lovely baby lying in it. His body was wrapped in a **all soft quilt, showing only a **all round head. I couldn't help touching the baby's hand, which was as soft as cotton. I didn't feel it hard. I was afraid it would hurt.

照顾姑姑和小宝宝的月嫂把小被子掀开,想看看宝宝拉臭臭了没有。果然,小宝宝已经拉了,他的样子非常不开心,还大声哭了起来。月嫂给他换好尿布,他就不哭了,还睁眼看着我,好像在问: “这个小姑娘是谁呀?爸爸给我和小宝宝拍了合影,小宝宝就又睡着了。我问妈妈: “为什么小宝宝睡觉还皱着眉头?”妈妈说: “因为他想妈妈。他在妈妈温暖舒适的肚子里待习惯了,还不适应外面的环境。”原来是这样啊。

The sister-in-law who took care of her aunt and baby lifted the quilt to see if the baby **elled. Sure enough, the baby has pulled, he looks very unhappy, and cried loudly. When his sister-in-law changed his diaper, he stopped crying and looked at me as if he were asking, "Who is this little girl?" My father took a photo with my baby and the baby fell asleep again. I asked my mother, "Why does the baby frown when she sleeps?" Mother said, "Because he misses his mother. He's used to his mother's warm and comfortable stomach, and he's not adapted to the outside environment. I see.


It's time to go home. I reluctantly touched the baby's little hand. His hands are so **all. I feel his soft hands when I want to sleep.