
周记网100692023-03-01 03:01:17


Today, I went to Pingyao ancient city with my sister and grandfather. When we arrived at the gate of the ancient city, we first saw a tall ancient city wall which was particularly majestic and solid. Then we went in from the gate, where there were many people bustling and bustling.



First we went to the Museum of ancient weapons. There were many knives, swords and daggers in it. And playing swords and cannons. When I came out of the museum, my father bought my sister and I a card with a big pink flower and a few **all flowers. It was very beautiful. I put it on my head as soon as possible, as if I had become a little princess. It was so beautiful.


I went a little further. In front of me was an old man taking a picture of a rickshaw. I wanted to take a picture, too. Then I sat in the car with my mother. My mother held me in one hand and a **all flower umbrella in the other. It was like two of us going out by car. I was very happy. Grandpa also took a picture. The coachman put on sunglasses for Grandpa. He had a cane in one hand, a pipe in the other, and a cowboy hat. Looking at Grandpa's face **iling, I am very happy. We also saw many strange things.


I had a great time today. It's good to travel!