
周记网75842023-02-28 15:15:46

每个人都有自己喜欢的名言,当然,我也有,我最喜欢的名言是:'眼泪无法洗去痛苦'.这句名言鼓励着我不要因为痛苦而流泪。我是一个活泼,开朗的女孩,我 很少哭过。每当班里有同学因为一些事情掉了金豆豆时,我就对她说:哭解决不了问题,坦然面对现实吧!。”在一旁安慰的同学就会用异样的眼神看着我,好像在 说:"你就是个异类,你不会懂的。”班里的二分之一的同学哭,我都看过,可就我没哭过,老师冤枉过我,批评过我,可我都没哭过。每当我想哭的时候,想到这 句名言,就不会哭。这句名言教育着我,让我在生活中战胜困难。这句名言引导着我,让我在迷失方向时,找回自己应该走的路。这句名言鼓励着我,让我彻底的成 为一个坚强的女孩。这句名言我会永远的刻在心中,时不时的为自己打气。让自己成为一个经得起生活的磨难,不被困难打败的人。洗去痛苦'.这句名言鼓励着我 不要因为痛苦而流泪。洗去痛苦'.这句名言鼓励着我不要因为痛苦而流泪。洗去痛苦'.这句名言鼓励着我不要因为痛苦而流泪。


Everyone has their favorite quotes, and of course, I also have my favorite saying: "tears can't wash away pain." this quote encourages me not to cry because of pain. I am a lively and cheerful girl. I seldom cry. Whenever one of my clas**ates dropped the golden beans because of some things, I said to her, "Crying can't solve the problem, face the reality calmly!" Comforting students will look at me with strange eyes, as if to say: "You are a different kind, you will not understand." One-half of the class cried, I have seen, but I have not cried, the teacher wronged me, criticized me, but I have not cried. Whenever I want to cry, when I think of this famous saying, I won't cry. This famous saying teaches me to overcome difficulties in life. This famous saying guides me to find my way back when I lose my way. This famous saying encourages me to become a strong girl thoroughly. This famous saying will be engraved in my heart forever and inspire myself from time to time. Make yourself a person who can stand the hardships of life and can not be defeated by them. Wash away pain'. This famous saying encourages me not to cry because of pain. Wash away pain'. This famous saying encourages me not to cry because of pain. Wash away pain'. This famous saying encourages me not to cry because of pain.